Monday, April 14, 2008


So not too much has happened since the last update.

The Indians are not starting off the year the way I would like them to, but at least they're not the 2-10 Tigers. Baseball is a game of streaks. Put together enough good ones and you make the playoffs, end of story. They are currently on a 1 game winning streak which is a streak in the right direction. Big series against the Sox starting, first since the playoff debacle of 2007. That still makes me sad on the inside. That and the fact that they are 1-4 against left handed pitchers. Not a good sign..but they are 2-1 in one run games. Neither of which are large enough statistical samples for any significance, but numbers are numbers.

The Cubs are doing well, but the Brewers and Cards are doing better. We are going to a game Wednesday and, dare I say it, they are undefeated with me in the stands. If they lose this one, I will know whose fault it is. He has two thumbs and is typing right now...this guy.

I passed my test (70-526) and am taking the next one shortly (70-529) If I pass the next one, I will only have 2 to go before I am MCPD-EA. All that means is that I am 3 tests from being done with tests until Microsoft releases .NET 3.5 versions and I get to start all over again :(

I joined an interesting social construct known as a guild on World of Warcraft. We killed Magtheridon last night which was a blast. The way that it works is that you have to kill 5 guys chanelling this giant dragon looking thing and when each one dies, the remaining ones hit harder. After all 5 are dead, every so often the dragon will cast a spell and 5 people in the group have to click the cubes at the exact same time in order to stop the spell or everyone will die. We failed miserably last week since the cube clickers kept dying or not clicking at the right time. This time we died the first time and then beat him the second time. It's always fun to devote 3+ hours of your life to killing pixels (way more than that, all told) but there is something about banding together with 24 other people to do something that makes it really fun. We talk via VOIP throughout the fight and sometimes we are serious (CLICK THE CUBE NOW!!) and other times we talk about our wives, jobs, lives, etc. So far there hasn't been too much drama, but when you put 40+ people of various ages, sexes, races, accents, etc together there is always something going on.

Here's a quick link for you, one of the most horrible and yet hillarious tatoos I have ever seen: